As the end of the year approaches, things are coming to a conclusion. Along with conclusions, new beginnings take part as well. I don't really remember much of the beginning of the year, when I was a silly freshman. Haha. But there are some things I remember that I can recap about. There were a lot of firsts for me in '09. I met new people, had some unforgettable experiences, and of course, tragedies.
First of all, my holidays this year were all unforgettable. Like 4th of July, where Adam, Nathan, Andrew, Ricky, Sandy, and I just biked around Alameda and Bayfarm for the whole day and watched the fireworks at Shoreline. Or Halloween, where I went out until around midnight just walking around with friends. It was my first ever time trick or treating too! Haha. And I can't forget the countless adventures I had over the summer too. Getting close with new people, seeing them every day. Being around them changed me for the better. I owe you guys a lot of appreciation, but for now I'm really glad I met and got to know all of you.
But towards the end, things weren't all peachy and smooth like it was the beginning and middle of the year. Things got complicated, shit went down, but hey. With ups come downs. That's just how life works, right? We all have to deal with some bad things in life though. No one leads a perfect one. Now, I'm ready to say goodbye to a life-changing year. Let 2010 come and throw whatever it has in store straight to my face. I'll be waiting. Haha.
I don't know if I'll have any New Years resolutions, I've never done it before. But I guess I should start. I have no idea how though. What could I change? Hmm. Haha. Whatever. I'll see all of you in the new year. Enjoy your breaks.
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