Tuesday, May 18, 2010

rules of love.

We all say its hard to describe love, even though most of us will or already have experienced some kind of love. Personally I think that we each have our own definitions of what love is. But there is also a set of ground rules or guidelines on this.. complicated thing/feeling. First of all, love doesn't come in just a second. There's a difference between love and infatuation and most of the time we don't even know what we're feeling. Infatuation is what we usually encounter first, and love comes in a later time. I'm talking about months and months and even years of dating to know when love has come.

Once you're in it, what do you do? Humans are monogamous animals, so that makes us naturally stick to one significant other for our whole lives. Most things are common sense, such as staying faithful. Resisting temptations is a big part of being a part of a couple. And another thing, your words should be accompanied by actions so you can prove that what you say is true. Cheating on someone is about the worst you can do to your partner. It just shows that you are /bored/ with your partner and want to experience someone new. Its the biggest violation of trust you can reach. Being with someone means you give them the power to break you, and you say that you trust them not to. It's fragile and it definitely is painful, but like most other things, it's an essential part of life.

There's a lot of unwritten rules when it comes to love, but most of the time all you have to use is common sense. Some partners may expect different things but you should be able to adjust while abiding by common sense.

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