You know, when you think about it, what's easier than just placing some oddly shaped blocks to form lines? Some find it boring, doing the same thing over and over again to achieve a repetitious goal and it definitely requires a persistent soul. But there's much more to it than that. Tetris actually makes you think faster, more efficiently, and it improves your ability to think ahead. Today, Tetris can be found on virtually everything including phones, PDAs, computers, game consoles, and even calculators. It's also been played on a large scale using lights on a building to recreate the falling of tetriminoes! Tetris is extremely simple, fun, and it has some benefits too!
The game was made by Russian designer and programmer Alexey Pajitnov on June 6, 1984. Ever since then, it's won awards such as the Greatest Game of All Time by Electronic Gaming Monthly in 2007 and it's placed 2nd in the 100 Greatest Video Games of All Time by IGN.
Some people, such as myself, even suffer from playing too much! The Tetris Effect, as it is called, is when the brain involuntary pictures Tetris combinations when the player is not even playing the game. Shit, this happened to me a lot when I played Tetris religiously. But there ARE some positive effects to playing Tetris as well. I focus more in things I do and according to recent studies, playing Tetris boosts general cognitive functions such as critical thinking, reasoning, language and processing and increase cerebral cortex thickness. It also has been proven that playing Tetris after experiencing a traumatic event reduces the number of flashbacks to that event. Can you believe what an extremely simple game does?
It just goes to show you, the best things in life are the most simple. No doubt.
Throughout my life, surely I've listened to a lot of different music genres. But of course when I was young I never paid attention to music that much. It was only when I was growing up near my preteens that I actually started to listen to music for real. At first, I liked R&B and rap, but I think it was only because it was the only music I ever knew at that time and everyone else was listening to it. I conformed and soon enough my iPod was filled with songs talking about the artist's money, cars, and girls. Soon enough I stopped listening to that genre of music, and hopped on over to Rock, Alternative, and Metal. Not much to say, except that was mostly during my pseudo-emo days. I cheered myself up, held my head up high, and walked through another door. This door led me to Techno/Trance. It was something totally new to me, the sound of hard hitting bass, intricate bass lines, and heavenly sounding synths. I listened for quite a while, getting up and dancing whenever I heard it. That phase passed. Recently discovering artists like Kid Loco, Nujabes, Flying Lotus, Emancipator and etc. I've heard the most beautiful and relaxing side of music. I generally prefer music without lyrics, because I like telling myself a story to the beautiful beat these guys make. I really don't have much to say except that.. I'm probably sticking with this for the rest of my life.
What I want to write about is questionable. I don't like writing only about one topic. Writing the same thing over and over again it gets boring. If possible, I would love to write about a variety of topics and since writing about my personal life is the closest thing to that, I would like writing about my personal life.I want to write my goals, my feelings, my thoghts on different things, and etc; the things I want to better myself at, striking each little aspect of myself to see what I can change for the better. Being a student allows me to let my curiosity run free and familiarize myself for the future. I want to write things that I could look back to and see how I developed as a person.Writing better is one of my goals; I'd like tobe able to write at a high level. One of my weakest points is analyzing a book and writing about it. I don't like writing about a book someone else wrote and nitpick at all the details. I want to be able to write freely without getting stuck and pausing to think about what I should write.Reading has always been an "oh that stuff is boring, I only do it when it's mandatory" thing for me and I want to change that this year. I know lately I've been craving to read, to feel that feeling when the book you're holding is talking to you and telling you the best story you've ever heard. So far that one book that amazed me was "House of the Scorpion." I'd like to read more and experience a sea of stories.I've always been a lazy person for the first fourteen years of my life I've done nothing but sit on my ass all day and stare at a screen. Along with reading and writing, I'd also like to change this one aspect of me. Getting out more to hang with friends or go on a bike trip once in a while would help me achieve this goal.In short, I want to make myself a better person by spending more time doing useful things.