Tuesday, January 12, 2010

quick, right?

1. What are some things you'd like to get out of writing more collaboratively with peers?

I'm not exactly sure what I can get out of a group. I seem to work best individually most of the time. But seeing other's work might influence me to write some different stuff that I normally woudln't write.

2. What are some things you'd be willing to contribute to a writing group?

Anything and everything. I'd contribute anything I can to my ability. I could share my ideas to other people, and they could share theirs. It'd be a huge circle of influential ideas bouncing around.

3. Is it more important to you to work with friends, or with people who are writing the same types of things you are? (Of course, it's possible to have this both ways...) Explain why.

More or less both. I'd be more comfortable working with friends than I would with strangers, naturally. But eventually I would get used to their ideas that I would want to get some new ideas. Being with friends, or rather people I'm familiar with, I would be more open to share my ideas. But with a group of strangers, I'd probably be a bit shy and restricted to what I would say.

4. What are some "rules" (or at least guidelines) you'd like to see in a writing group?

I don't know what kind of rules there should be. I think we should try and make up rules as we go along and change them to how we see fit.

For Mr. Charlie-man.

My only experience was in 8th grade. I don't remember much about it, but I think it helped with whatever assignment we were doing. We bounced around with our ideas and used those ideas in our own papers. It went overall pretty well. Hope it is as awesome as it was back then.

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