If you haven't known already, my favorite animal of all the animal kingdom is the bird. If I were to describe them in one word, it would be majestic. A lot of their characteristics make me like them a lot. The way they scour the world around them when they're still or just chillin' with other birds, their flawless ability to fly, and overall their faux-or-not curiosity. I guess you could say I'm jealous of them. I don't know where or how my liking for birds developed, but I can take a few guesses. It could either be back in the Philippines, where I was told my brother had a coop of pigeons he took care of. I don't remember that, but I can still consider that a possibility. Another reason could be because I had about four or five Parakeets when I was really young. I always used to just sit down in front of their cage and watch them live their poor, restricted lives. Man, I made that sound really sad but it's true. Anyways, I would always just poke a finger inside the cage and let them nibble at me. I would get sad when they stared at my finger and didn't nibble on it. At that point I would try and provoke the smallest nibble. Haha.
If I had the choice of, and if it was possible, I'd jump to the choice of being reincarnated as a bird. I don't care what kind of bird, just a bird. My jealousy of birds gave me the desire to fly as high as I can. Up in the sky, I could see my world around me a lot clearer. No ugly buildings or streets to look at, because the only direction I could look at is down. Not a care in the world, flying over cities and towns observing whatever is going on below me, only swooping down if I see something that interests me. I could choose whether or not I would fly alone or with a really big group of birds who want to share a flight with me. Come to think of it, and sorry for ruining the flow of this paragraph a bit, but haven't you ever wondered HOW birds fly so.. cooperatively in the skies? When you look up and see a group of birds flying in the high skies, it's like they're putting on a show for you. It amazes me how they're able to fly together in unison, not one bird breaking their pattern. If one goes left, they all go left. If one goes right, they all go right. If one of them decide to go batshit crazy and fly around in some cool ass patterns, the rest follow suit. It's just AMAZING.
To be more specific, my favorite bird is the pigeon. They're probably one of the most smartest birds. But hell, every bird is really smart in it's own way. There's the woodpecker who figured out how to use its beak to get food, the crow and it's problem solving abilities, and much more. Still, the pigeon fascinates me unlike any other. It's evolved and became smart enough to actually live in cities, with humans. Most of us refer to them as a big nuisance, which may be kind of true, since they crap everywhere. But hey, to me they're still some awesome little creatures. Little flying scavengers huddling everywhere for food, scurrying away when someone walks by. I can't help but laugh when they walk, too. It's so funny watching their head bob with each step they take. Hahaha. I'm so weird. Those are only one type of pigeon we see, too. Another amazing thing is how we can raise messenger pigeons. They grow to be intelligent enough so they can deliver messages when it comes to a particularly long distance. All of these characteristics make me favor the pigeon more than any other type. It may not be colorful or flamboyant like other birds, but for its intelligence and curiosity.
And to end it with a cute little video: http://www.wimp.com/pigeonsubway/
Actually, there's been other instances of pigeons riding the subway. Look it up, haha.
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ReplyDeletePigeons are cute little doops with their bobbing heads