Your ties with people never last as long as you want them to. I don't even know how I realized this now, but I do remember back in middle school when I thought about it. I was afraid and excited of going to high school. Excited because the thought that everything you've seen on TV and things about how awesome it is was probably gonna come true. But at the same time, I was afraid because at one point or another, you'd have to leave the people you came to know and love. I guess leaving elementary school and leaving middle school prepare you for the moment when you leave high school, but it's not the same. You grow up so fast, you become more aware of things. You develop your own thoughts and opinions, and you begin to discover what emotions are.
Life after high school is basically being reborn. Taking everything you've learned and applying it to a world where it's only you. Everyone else has their paths, you have yours. You have to make friends as if you were in elementary school again, but now your limits broaden to the sky. You're going to be living like that for the rest of your life, so why not make the most of it? I kind of hate the idea of growing up too. It sucks knowing your life isn't gonna be as easy as it was back when you were five years old. Hah, but everyone has to go through it at some point. We just all have to deal with it in our own way.
Normally, I hate thinking about the future. Because it scares me to no end. I always try to live in the present, making the most of what I have. To enjoy life with the bare minimum. But the thought of the future can't help but enter my thoughts. I mean, we only go through childhood once. We only go through our teens once. We only go through adulthood once. And then we die. But the beginning of your life lasts the shortest. After age 20, you're already done with 2/3 of your life. Now it's time to live a stage that lasts about 8 times as long. It's pretty scary if you ask me.
Special thanks to Christina and Michele.
uh. why me?