Tuesday, November 3, 2009

restatement of purpose.

Looking back at my first ever post, which was my statement of purpose, I can see how I'm doing in terms of the goals I set myself. I can happily say that most of my goals are still in the process of being complete. I've been writing more and more, as well as writing about the topic I wish to write about. I'd like to keep this goal intact because looking back on these blog posts would probably impact the way I think about myself more than I thought.

At this moment, I find that trying to read more is a hopeless goal. I feel that I have absolutely no time to read any book, unless mandatory. I don't think that it's because I can't find a good book to read, but rather the time. Time management is something I value, so trying to fit in time to read is quite hard.

One of my more successful goals, to get out more and hang out with friends, is going better than I thought. No longer do I sit on a chair directly after school for the remainder of the day letting my brain rot. I definitely have better things to do. The other goal that accompanied, to take bike trips more often, is also going well. Just recently, my brosef Sandy Duong said that our bikes were pretty much our lives. I agreed with him completely because we always get to our destination by bike. Without our bikes, we'd be lazy unsocial kids.

But in the future, I know I'll definitely try and set myself some new goals. I really need a way to push myself to be better academically, physically, and mentally. I hope I can set these goals for myself soon.

I don't know if I can add any more goals right now, since I like completing things I set my mind to first. But who knows, there might be a re-restatement of purpose.

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