Thursday, October 29, 2009

oh, october.

Oh October, you were good to me this year. I thought you were going to be a horribly cold month but it turns out I was wrong. You were pretty decent. I usually don't like it when the months that end in -ber come around because it gets so cold and we all know I can't stand the cold. October, you turned out to be a pretty good month. While everyone was getting sick, I was rampaging around on my happy feet and basically had a bubble around me. At least thats what it feels like right now.

Despite a few unsettling events early in the month and towards the end, I'm glad to say we're all pretty much fine now. I personally have no worries at all for the rest of '09; it'll feel like I set life on cruise control. I know this isn't gonna last forever, but I love staying carefree as long as I can. It's one of the things that keep me happy in my life. The ability to live life the way you want it, how you want it, and when you want it is what I aim for.

I'd like to end this lovely October on a good note and wish you all a happy Halloween. It'll be my first year going trick or treating as well. Yo soy animadooo.

Friday, October 23, 2009


Secrets. We all have them and their effect on us can vary. There are those secrets that you just don't want anyone knowing, the ones that kill you inside, and the ones that are just plain personal. Either way, secrets are still there. When someone says that they don't have any secrets, I'd frown at them and strongly disagree. You just have to think for a while and you'll find your secret.

The worst secret of all to me is the one that absolutely kills you inside. I can't really give good examples, but I do have a good one in mind. Suppose you like someone and your relationship with them is at a pretty satisfactory level. You might want to tell that person, but at the same time you might not want to risk that comfortable level you're at with them. You're stuck in your own abyss of thoughts. But you know the longer you keep that in, the more it kills you. Sucks to be in that situation, doesn't it? Yeah.

But then there are those neutral secrets. That when you tell someone, you wouldn't really care. Those are my favorite kinds. It's fun to know things about people that others don't know about.

Secrets suck, secrets are awesome. It all depends on which kind.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

think less.

Wow, THREE blogs in one night? I never woulda known I could do something like this. But due to recent events, an idea just comes into mind. Hear me out.

Overthinking. From my experience, it's a horrible thing. It makes you consider every possibility that can happen, though most of those possibilities you think of are mostly negative. In cases like these, less is more. It's nice to keep things nice and simple; the best thing that you probably do in that situation is let it be. You can think about it normally, but just don't overshoot it.

The most common place where I see a good example of someone overthinking is relationships. Believe or not girls, every little thing you do gets a guy thinking. Every gesture, every important thing you said, he'll probably be thinking about it when he goes to sleep that night. This might be the same for girls but hell, what do I know?

One way to rephrase it to a more widely used phrase, is to not make things more complicated than they should be. I mean, a lot of things come from that. When you finally stop overthinking and come to the realization of how it wasn't all that bad just makes you go "d'oh." But hey, I think it's one of those things that are inevitable. We're just human, right?

To wrap it up and to tell that one person: Don't overthink things. Just keep it simple.

Friday, October 9, 2009


I don't know why I put this off until Friday, because it's something I like doing. Ah well. I think it's just I have absolutely nothing to talk about most of the time. But I think I have something. Something weird..

Don't mistake me, I like sleeping as much as the next guy, but here's the thing. I can't fall asleep easily. It frustrates me a lot because even when I'm tired I'm probably gonna lay there for half an hour trying to sleep. I'm fully conscious when I'm about to actually fall asleep too. One thing I've noticed is that RIGHT before I fall asleep, my whole body twitches. It's as if my body is telling me "HEY, SLEEP BAD. NO SLEEP. AWAKE. NOW." It pisses me off. Another thing is that I always seem to envision myself tripping. I don't know why either but my whole body retaliates to that vision and twitches as well. My heart starts pumping faster too, like I actually fell or stumbled.

I don't know what the hell is going on with me when it comes to sleep, but whenever I do get good sleep, I always love waking up. It feels so good. Especially if my dreams were lucid, haha. lucid dreams are the bomb. Customizing your dreams to whatever you want is pretty beast. I mean holy crap, lucid dreams give a whole new meaning to "fantasy."

PS: I know you're gonna link me Sutherland, so I'm gonna beat you to it. Haha.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tatum's mind

I annotated this paragraph talking about my own thoughts on the whole topic. I wholeheartedly agree with the whole topic of this paragraph. If people say that they aren't prejudiced, it's a complete lie. Being a person also includes all the negative things, such as stereotyping and being prejudiced. We may not realize it and thats a good thing, since that expressing prejudice freely is looked down upon in society. I recall commenting on a blog post, saying "with good things come bad." Well, the good thing here is being able to live in a society thats culurally diverse. The bad thing being that we still discriminate one another, whether public or not.

This paragraph is an integral part of the whole article because it explains how each person works and makes people realize that if they think they're free of prejudice, they're wrong.


(12.) Certainly some people are more prejudiced than others, actively embracing and perpetuating negative and hateful images of those who are different from themselves. When we claim to be free of prejudice, perhaps what we are really saying is that we are not hate-mongers.[10] But none of us is completely innocent. Prejudice is an integral part of our socialization,[11] and it is not our fault. Just as the preschoolers my student interviewed are not to blame for the negative messages they internalized, we are not at fault for the stereotypes, distortions, and omissions that shaped our thinking as we grew up.

Friday, October 2, 2009

blogger stalker.

This blogging thing still hasn't hit me. It's something I never expected to do in an English class. The concept of using something online to do weekly writing assignments is a great idea, as well as publicizing it so that everyone else can see. Most of all, there's no topic. You can write about anything. Anything and everything.

With that said, I'd like to admit that I actually use the blog feed. Yeah, I like reading everyone's blogs just to see what they wrote about. It's interesting to see the thoughts people had this week, the previous week and so on. If your blog especially caught my eye, I might even comment on it! Haha. So I guess I'm taking advantage of this whole blogging assignment to get to know people, even if I've never met them and don't know what their face looks like.

Believe it or not, you guys give me inspiration too. Just yesterday and a few minutes ago when I walked into Intro To Computers, I had to idea what to write about. As soon as I logged in the computer I went to the blog feed, read some blogs, commented on some, and now look where I am. Writing my own! I guess this blog thanks all you other bloggers for blogging. Every time I don't have a fucking clue what I'm going to blog about, I'll just hop on over to the blog feed for some inspiration.

I find this blog post pretty weird as well. It's kind of like blogging about blogs. But at the same time it's a thank you to all the people who blog freely. It's going to be quite an experience this year, seeing how blogging is going to evolve. I talked with Sutherland yesterday during lab about blogging and he told me some of his ideas and desires about the future of this assignment and I'll say I'm quite intrigued. I'd love to see his ideas played out.

To finish with this post, I'd just like to say this: Keep blogging and remember that when you publish your new post, someone is bound to come across it, even if you don't know that person. Like me, haha.