Oh October, you were good to me this year. I thought you were going to be a horribly cold month but it turns out I was wrong. You were pretty decent. I usually don't like it when the months that end in -ber come around because it gets so cold and we all know I can't stand the cold. October, you turned out to be a pretty good month. While everyone was getting sick, I was rampaging around on my happy feet and basically had a bubble around me. At least thats what it feels like right now.
Despite a few unsettling events early in the month and towards the end, I'm glad to say we're all pretty much fine now. I personally have no worries at all for the rest of '09; it'll feel like I set life on cruise control. I know this isn't gonna last forever, but I love staying carefree as long as I can. It's one of the things that keep me happy in my life. The ability to live life the way you want it, how you want it, and when you want it is what I aim for.
I'd like to end this lovely October on a good note and wish you all a happy Halloween. It'll be my first year going trick or treating as well. Yo soy animadooo.
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