Saturday, October 10, 2009

think less.

Wow, THREE blogs in one night? I never woulda known I could do something like this. But due to recent events, an idea just comes into mind. Hear me out.

Overthinking. From my experience, it's a horrible thing. It makes you consider every possibility that can happen, though most of those possibilities you think of are mostly negative. In cases like these, less is more. It's nice to keep things nice and simple; the best thing that you probably do in that situation is let it be. You can think about it normally, but just don't overshoot it.

The most common place where I see a good example of someone overthinking is relationships. Believe or not girls, every little thing you do gets a guy thinking. Every gesture, every important thing you said, he'll probably be thinking about it when he goes to sleep that night. This might be the same for girls but hell, what do I know?

One way to rephrase it to a more widely used phrase, is to not make things more complicated than they should be. I mean, a lot of things come from that. When you finally stop overthinking and come to the realization of how it wasn't all that bad just makes you go "d'oh." But hey, I think it's one of those things that are inevitable. We're just human, right?

To wrap it up and to tell that one person: Don't overthink things. Just keep it simple.