Friday, October 2, 2009

blogger stalker.

This blogging thing still hasn't hit me. It's something I never expected to do in an English class. The concept of using something online to do weekly writing assignments is a great idea, as well as publicizing it so that everyone else can see. Most of all, there's no topic. You can write about anything. Anything and everything.

With that said, I'd like to admit that I actually use the blog feed. Yeah, I like reading everyone's blogs just to see what they wrote about. It's interesting to see the thoughts people had this week, the previous week and so on. If your blog especially caught my eye, I might even comment on it! Haha. So I guess I'm taking advantage of this whole blogging assignment to get to know people, even if I've never met them and don't know what their face looks like.

Believe it or not, you guys give me inspiration too. Just yesterday and a few minutes ago when I walked into Intro To Computers, I had to idea what to write about. As soon as I logged in the computer I went to the blog feed, read some blogs, commented on some, and now look where I am. Writing my own! I guess this blog thanks all you other bloggers for blogging. Every time I don't have a fucking clue what I'm going to blog about, I'll just hop on over to the blog feed for some inspiration.

I find this blog post pretty weird as well. It's kind of like blogging about blogs. But at the same time it's a thank you to all the people who blog freely. It's going to be quite an experience this year, seeing how blogging is going to evolve. I talked with Sutherland yesterday during lab about blogging and he told me some of his ideas and desires about the future of this assignment and I'll say I'm quite intrigued. I'd love to see his ideas played out.

To finish with this post, I'd just like to say this: Keep blogging and remember that when you publish your new post, someone is bound to come across it, even if you don't know that person. Like me, haha.