I hate spacing out when I have blog posts due. I just end up being crunched up to the deadline or a little bit after when I realize what I need to do. Anyways, beside the ramblings of being late, I've chosen to talk about failure.
We often see failure as a bad thing. In general, if you fail at something.. you shouldn't exactly be proud, right? It means you have to improve and do something different next time to better yourself at whatever you failed at. So, when do you fail? Often times it's because you didn't try hard enough, or in physical cases, you're incapable and unskilled. But again, what does this tell you? Improvement is necessary.
When you fail, it's not just a horrible 'Aw shit.' kind of thing. It's also a learning experience as well. Every time you fail, you can look back, trace your steps, and see where you went wrong. By doing this, you know what you need to change or work on. This is basically the concept of learning from your mistakes. And we all know that already, don't we?
I'll give an example with an anecdote. Recently, I've been doing pretty bad in Math. Failing a few tests, slacking on homework, etc. I found out my grade and it was a shock. I knew I was failing, but by that much? Yeah. It hit me. I needed to reform my study habits in that class. I already knew what I was doing wrong; that was sleeping, not paying attention, and honestly, copying homework. I never learned the material, so when it came down to tests, I would just blank out and have an unwritten piece of paper by the end of the period. Upon realizing this, I was determined to make an extra effort taking notes, do my homework myself, and all the other things I was doing wrong. Hopefully things get better by the end of the quarter.
In a nutshell, failure is a learning experience. Fail and know what you did wrong, and better yourself for next time.
Way to man up in a tough situation.