Tuesday, February 2, 2010


This idea popped up from reading Alvin’s final. I came across a part that somehow made my head bounce around to this.

Generosity is pretty spiffy. It definitely comes in handy sometimes when you’re with friends. The best example is when you’re low on cash and you’re hungry. Your friends can usually spot you so you can get some food, right? That’s usually the case with me and my friends. We all have each other when it comes down to money.

A while ago, I went to go eat with some friends but I didn’t have enough money, so I didn’t order anything. My friend next to me offers to buy me some food, and I wouldn’t have to pay him back as much. I kindly refused, even though I was practically starving. Reason being because I feel guilty when I benefit from other people’s kindness too much. I already owed him some money because he paid my bowling fee once, and he even pretended that didn’t happen because he didn’t want me to pay him back. I admire generosity like that. So thank you, Shuan.

I owe another friend money, because he’s spotted me so many times. One day I’ll just give him my week’s allowance. I can’t even remember how many times he spotted me either. I remember he gave me ten dollars once because I was going to Lovefest. And another time when he just gave me five dollars to get some lunch. I admire that too, so thanks Rayman.

But hey, some people owe me money too. ALVIN. haha. But it’s alright. You don’t have to pay me back. In the long run, we all end up paying each other back. So from now on, whenever I give money to someone or just buy some food for them, they don’t have to pay me back. Just don’t take advantage of that. Please. Haha.

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