Friday, October 21, 2011

[CE.] Occupy Movement Goes Global

Protesters worldwide have joined the "Occupy Wall Street" movement in a cry of rage against bankers, financiers and politicians they accuse of ruining global economies and condemning millions to poverty and hardship through greed.
Dozens of cities across the world - from Tokyo to Alaska via London, Frankfurt and Washington - are holding demonstrations on Saturday, in a show of solidarity with the rallies that began last month in downtown New York.
It's surprising to see how much of an impact one movement in New York has made. It began as a small gathering of people all tired and angry of the same thing. That group of people continued to grow and grow until it became big. Not just across the nation big, but WORLDWIDE big. It's amazing how people can unite under one idea. This whole movement can also be seen as something that raises awareness, and that it does. As the movement began to grow, other countries were noticing the problems that we were protesting and saw those very problems in their own homes.

Now, more and more countries are beginning to realize that that problem is a big one and something has to be done about it. So they're gathering up and organizing their own 'Occupy' protests. Not necessarily occupying anything, but just getting rid of the idea of corporate greed and inequality. They want to fix how flawed the relationship between government and economics is. It's a good thing to protest for and every government should behave and serve the people as they should.

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