Friday, October 14, 2011

[RE.] SATs.

For some reason I've never even though about going to a Community College until recently. The allure of a 4 year college with big campuses and large lecture halls have always been my idea of what should happen after High School. The exciting dorm life surrounded by people that I have never met before is constantly pulling me towards that direction. The independent - ish lifestyle that goes as a package deal when you go to a UC or some other big school is what I need. -Adam
Every student goes into high school with a universal goal: to get good enough grades to go their college of choice. As the years go on, some of those visions start fading away when reality sinks in. Things don't go the way they want to and they have to start thinking of alternative routes. Unfortunately, this has come to be my case. By sophomore year I realized that I wasn't going to get the grades to get into my dream school. Fuck, by then I didn't even know what my dream school was. All I knew was that I had to get good grades and a scholarship so that my parents don't have to be in debt twenty years after I'm out of college.

I didn't realize how hard it was to get a full ride through college and I slacked. And by that I mean I slacked HARD. Now my only choice is community college and hopefully.. transfer. Actually, I don't even know if I want to transfer. The money thing is still troubling me. Even if I apply for financial aid, would it be enough? I don't know. These are the things I still have to consider even after I finish community college.

While everyone else goes to their UCs or states, I'll still be in community college, trying to catch up. It's a hard thing to realize but I know I have to anyways. I fucked up and I have to deal with it.

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