Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[RE.] Reading Minds.

If I could pick any power, I could pick mind reading. I wish I could read minds, but I would also like to be able to block out ones I don’t care about. If I could read minds I could so much like find out who my real friends are, how people really feel about me, who my friend's are and who my haters are. - Violette
Wishing for the power to read minds is a dangerous one. Sure you can read someone's mind and know what to do or what to say, but with the positive side of having this power you have to keep in mind that there's negatives to it as well. There's things that people just don't want you to know. If you read someone's mind and they were thinking about something that would offend you, you'd get mad and they wouldn't know why the hell you are. And if they knew that you could read their mind they'd get mad at YOU for reading their mind. Either way, one of you ends up getting mad.

I'm just saying that if you could read minds that you'd get offended left and right. You'd know things that people don't want you to know. It wouldn't take that long for you to eventually have a grudge on everyone you know because you read their mind and it was something mean about you. Think about it this way, how would you feel if your mind was able to be read at any time? People are entitled to have their privacy and our minds are the only place we have to ourselves.

People can't help but be brutal and mean. It's one of the things that makes us human. Naturally we are selfish. If you were to see everyone in pure raw emotion, it'd be brutal. It's better off to leave people as a mystery. It's more fun that way and it's how things are supposed to be.

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