Thursday, October 13, 2011

[FREE.] Definition of Success?

Every so often I stop and think about where I'm going in life. I ask myself questions like what do I want to do? Where do I want to end up? To this day I still haven't been able to answer those questions and a crucial part of my life is slowly creeping up on me. Life after high school. My original plan was to take a year off from studying and go out to explore. It's a very broad desire but something that I'm very passionate about. Though something tells me that it'd be a hard goal to achieve, based solely on how money is a big problem. I'd have to get a job for a few years to be able to travel the way I want to. But I know one thing in my future that I want for sure though, to be successful.

Successful. Isn't that what everyone wants to be? Well yeah of course, but in this modern way of thinking the general definition of successful is having a good paying job, a family, and overall stability. When your life is set and all you have to do is take care of yourself and your family without any troubles, you're successful. And if you're successful, people are automatically going to assume that you have lots of money. But my definition of successful is different. I believe that being successful is basically being happy and being satisfied with where you are. The general population could look at a man living in a mansion and come to a conclusion that he's successful but if they look at a man with less fortune, he'd be less successful. But what if that man with less fortune is happy to be where he is and wants to stay like that? To me, that man is also successful.

So that's me. All I want to do when it's time to live the rest of my life, is be happy to be where I end up.

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