Friday, October 14, 2011

[CE.] Steve Jobs?

Passionate, prickly, and deemed irreplaceable by many Apple fans and investors, Steve Jobs made a life defying conventions and expectations. And despite years of poor health, his death on Wednesday at the age of 56 prompted a global gasp as many people remembered how much he had done to transform the worlds of computing, music and mobile phones, changing the way people communicate and access information and entertainment.
I agree with the response that Steve Jobs' death is getting, but only to an extent. What has this man brought us? He's brought us the gadget that we most likely carry around in our pockets every day. He's given us the idea of how we should keep trying new things and that eventually we'll find something that works. To lose a person like Steve Jobs, what is it like?

Bringing it to a personal level, I wasn't really that into Apple. The only thing I ever owned from Apple was the iPod Touch, so I guess I owe Steve that. Oh and, the fact that he founded the animation company, Pixar, that created a plethora of greatly successful films. I do owe him for some things.

With every great innovator, he still has to owe the person that gave him the tools to become great in the first place. To that, I think he owes Dennis Ritchie. Who is Dennis Ritchie? Well, let's just say that without him, a bunch of the modern technology you see today won't even exist. He was a computer scientist who developed the most common and versatile programming language, C. C would eventually evolve into C++ but the fact that he laid out the groundwork for greater things is something that we all owe him. 

Dennis Ritchie died on October 12th, 2011. His death didn't gain any, or very little news coverage. I think it's sad that we overshadow the actual people behind the scenes and only mourn for the people who managed to gain more publicity and popularity. Maybe that's how Dennis Ritchie wanted it, but I think we still owe it all to him.

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