Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I'm not sure exactly how to type out my thoughts because my ideas are very basic, but I can narrow my thoughts down to one sentence. It's surprising how grammatically impaired some people are, given their age and level of education. By high school, you'd expect people to have in mind the most basic level of grammar. It seems like you're and your are the most common mistake, as well as the most annoying. People can say things like "your mad" it just makes me want to retaliate like "WHAT ABOUT MY MAD!?"

I guess all of this just applies on the internet and texting, but that's not a good enough reason to ignore something you should've learned in elementary school. Some people may argue that it's just the internet, not school. WRONG. On the internet, you are still projecting an image of yourself. So if you type like this: 0mg bby gurl u r s0 kyo0t! I'm pretty sure people are going to think more negative things about you than positive.

Another thing I don't get, people who try and correct other people's grammar are also looked down upon.. They get called a 'Grammar Nazi' and made fun of. I don't get whats so wrong about trying to better someone's grammar. I say that the people who get corrected say thank you and keep in mind what their mistake was so they don't do it again in the future.

My point is, there's no excuse to ignore basic grammatical rules. Unless you're immature or in middle school, in which case.. you'll grow up eventually.

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