Writing better is one of my goals; I'd like tobe able to write at a high level. One of my weakest points is analyzing a book and writing about it. I don't like writing about a book someone else wrote and nitpick at all the details. I want to be able to write freely without getting stuck and pausing to think about what I should write.It's funny to read that because looking back to the past three months, I've completely shattered this statement. With the added assignments of monthly reviews and lit circle letters, my view towards writing about a book has completely changed. I've written one thousand words each for three books for a total of three thousand, not including the letters. Damn! With the process of this, I've rediscovered the joys of reading. I completely dove into the story of the first book I reviewed, and the next two followed in suit.
Reading has always been an "oh that stuff is boring, I only do it when it's mandatory" thing for me and I want to change that this year. I know lately I've been craving to read, to feel that feeling when the book you're holding is talking to you and telling you the best story you've ever heard. So far that one book that amazed me was "House of the Scorpion." I'd like to read more and experience a sea of stories.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Book Review: Letters To A Bullied Girl

I was taunted about everything. The hair on my arms, the style of clothes I wore, my hairstyles, everything. Teasing and bullying is never justified, and I believe the reason why I was singled out was because I threatened these insecure people somehow. Maybe they thought I was too outgoing, or too intelligent, or too talented; but that was their problem. It takes a while to realize that, but I hope you do.
When I was in middle school and high school, I was particularly mean to a classmate. Ruthlessly mean, in fact. She was from a poorer family, heavier in size, had few friends. An easy target. The torment lasted far too long, probably through my sophomore year of high school. My behavior plagued me far longer than the four of five years I bullied my classmate. After much introspection, I know why I did it. The details aren't as important as the message: bullies feel better about themselves by picking on others. The bullying has nothing to do with the abused and everything to do with the abusers.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
rules of love.
Once you're in it, what do you do? Humans are monogamous animals, so that makes us naturally stick to one significant other for our whole lives. Most things are common sense, such as staying faithful. Resisting temptations is a big part of being a part of a couple. And another thing, your words should be accompanied by actions so you can prove that what you say is true. Cheating on someone is about the worst you can do to your partner. It just shows that you are /bored/ with your partner and want to experience someone new. Its the biggest violation of trust you can reach. Being with someone means you give them the power to break you, and you say that you trust them not to. It's fragile and it definitely is painful, but like most other things, it's an essential part of life.
There's a lot of unwritten rules when it comes to love, but most of the time all you have to use is common sense. Some partners may expect different things but you should be able to adjust while abiding by common sense.
Friday, May 14, 2010
trail mix.
Well, okay maybe not so plain and simple. Life is just a roller coaster all the way through, till the day you die. There's going to be huge drops where you experience a rush of thrill all at once, or for an ongoing time too. And then theres times where you feel like all you're doing is slowly inching up the track, waiting impatiently for that huge drop.
Lately for me it's always been a bit of everything. I'll have a really fun day but then the next few days would be completely boring and shit. I'm not saying that I'm complaining or anything, it is after all better than nothing, period. I sort of feel comfortable saying that my friends and I.. have run out of things to do. It's mostly the same things every time and new ideas don't come very often. With summer approaching, I would really like to change that.
This week has been.. meh. On Monday I was dead tired because Ricky let me borrow his laptop for the night on Sunday and I stayed up all night doing really pointless things. But hey! It wasn't completely a waste of time. I also got some homework done too, haha. I really wish I had a laptop; it'd help me procrastinate on assignments I don't want to do. But if I get that, then I would lose a ton of sleep and I really can't afford to lose anymore the way I am now, haha. Tuesday was one of those days where I was actually too tired to do anything. The lack of sleep from Monday caught up to me and I just felt DEAD the whole entire day. Went home straight after school to get some rest.
Wednesday was quite the turning point. Nothing EVER happens at school so that's one thing I will never write about. After school however, a few friends and I played some basketball Edison school. At first it was pretty normal, but then we ended up playing some adults that were there too. It was a really intense and fun game, and we even ended up winning! That was a great feeling, haha. To know you beat a team of adults that are about two times bigger than you is satisfying. I don't even know how we won, but now we're calling ourselves the dream team. Haha, hilarious.
Thursday was a day where we really didn't do much. For some reason that I'm unaware of a bunch of people went missing and only Andrew and I were left. We settled for going to my house and playing some games. It's fun with him because he's pretty much the only competition I have in a majority of games. From that day emerged an inside joke as well. Jab jab jab.
FRIDAY! I always look forward to this day of the week, who doesn't? I've noticed that complicated plans make me feel like a super sophisticated businessman. Directing and following them, and then seeing it all come together feels good too. Haha. 'Frisbee' isn't really frisbee anymore though. We haven't played Ultimate in a hellllla long time. All we do now is basketball and socialize. And more recently, wrestling. I don't wanna get into too much detail with that, haha.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
It’s almost the end of the school year. As it gets closer and closer everything gets just a wee bit faster and harder. Teachers try to cram in material that they somehow “forgot” to teach and all the students want is for everything to be over and relax the days away. Lots of tests come up along with final exams and AP tests as well. The last stretch of school is hard for everyone, but in the end it’s always rewarding.
I think of the school year as being divided into at least three periods of time. In the beginning, everyone has to get accustomed to being in school again because of the fun times over the summer. They almost always forget everything they learned, too. I know I do for sure. Past the beginning and into the middle, it’s a long stage of chill assignments. The assignments are nothing too hard, nothing too easy. It’s just right. This is usually the second and third quarters. The end, which in this case is now, is a rapid rush of information. Big end of the year projects to “apply what you learned” comes as often as the sun.
Moving on from a general point of view on things, I’d like to share my own personal experience with this school year. Everything I said up there applies to me too, of course. In the beginning I forgot all the material I learned in freshman year. The reviews of last year’s stuff and the like that teachers gave me was almost perfect to get back in the rhythm. As it hit second and third quarters it just felt a bit… numb. It was when Sutherland introduced the concept of life being on autopilot. That was what it felt like. School days were monotonous and lackluster. It’s the part I hate the most.
Sometimes I still haven’t accepted the fact that MY freshman year has already passed. I find it hard to believe that I am currently a sophomore at times. And already, I’m turning into a junior in high school. Life goes by so fast it’s unbelievable. I really want to cherish these years and make them something I would remember at least twenty years later.
I don’t know if it’s a bad thing that I have no idea what my dreams or passions are after high school. It feels like I have a large variety of careers I could pursue, but not knowing what I like or am passionate about makes it a lot harder. To connect with my earlier blog post, I know that I have to know what I like to do in order for me to get a career that I would actually enjoy. The path to at the least a satisfactory future is pretty simple, but getting started is what I’m having trouble with. I hope to have everything figured out by at least the end of junior year and I could spend my senior year preparing for whatever I’ve decided.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Freakonomics: Review

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Freakonomics: Three
Thursday, April 15, 2010
school, colleges, and the future
I wrote this on my Tumblr a while ago. So I'm just using it now.
With the schedule thing happening last week, it felt like a really uncomfortable rush of decisions. For that week, people are planning for their future and the main, which also seems to be the ONLY topic going on in conversations is what classes your friends are going to take. Everyone’s throwing around suggestions to each other like ‘TAKE THIS, TAKE THAT! NO DON’T TAKE THAT I HEARD IT WAS HELLA HARD.” And me? Well. I’m just in the background, confused and dazed because I don’t know what the hell I’m going to do either. To be honest, it kinda sucks being like that. All of the people around me seem to at least have an idea of what they want/are going to take next year, and it seems like I’m the only one who doesn’t really know. Fuck man. The deadline for the form is a bit unclear to me too; some people say it was this Monday and I’ve heard that it’s this Friday. I’m gonna choose to believe that it’s due Friday because I still haven’t done counseling. But I still have a recurring thought in my head that, maybe I shouldn’t turn it in. Maybe I should just let the school pick my classes for me. It’s basically what I did last year, and I’m pretty okay with it. Hell, I still don’t even know.
Concerning all that shit, a conversation on Thursday with Sutherland was enlightening. He said some things that.. well, seem to have made my thought process clearer about what I’m going to do in the future. One of the things he said was that colleges were beginning to devalue AP classes. This really makes sense to me because well, imagine this. A shitload of people take AP classes as is, right? But will that really stand out to a college? If all a college sees in applications is ‘I took __ AP classes” over and over again, it’s basically become a common thing. The same concept as money, perhaps. The more you have of it, the less valuable it gets. All of the people taking so many APs confuse me. AP Physics, AP Calc, AP Stats, APUSH, APES, and so on. I’m pretty sure they aren’t interested in all of those subjects at once. The purpose of an AP is to expand your knowledge. Say you really like math, it makes sense if you plan on taking AP Calculus or AP Stats. But it doesn’t make a bit of sense if you’re taking APUSH too. APs seem to have evolved into something that’s like ‘HEY LOOK AT ME I’M REALLY SMART.’ or just something that’ll ‘make you look good’ in college applications. But among other things, Sutherland also helped me in the subject of picking a college.
People seem to have the idea that attending a good college equals having a good job. Well, what’s the definition of a good college? Is it some college with super high standards or an Ivy league? Does popular mean good? Personally, I don’t think so. My definition of a good college is a college where it best suits your interest. Think about it. Why take a subject if you aren’t even interested in it? Just because it looks good, right? I don’t know, but I guess it could be a legit reason. It just seems like you’re pushing yourself into studying a subject that you don’t even like in the first place. Which in case, is a total waste of time. I guess what I’m trying to say is, before you pick a college, you should at least have an idea of what your interests are and pick a college that best suits that interest. For example, if you’re interested in art.. well, you’d obviously go to an art school. In medicine, a medical school. In law, then law school. If you know what you like, it’s a lot easier figuring out what your profession could be. It’s like, why bother going to a “good” college that’s really strong in mathematics when your main interest is science? I don’t know, I know my main idea, but I find it hard to explain.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Freakonomics: One & Two
Saturday, April 3, 2010
i feel like i'm in a soccer game.

Friday, March 26, 2010
First They Killed My Father: Three
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Book Review 1: First They Killed My Father

Friday, March 19, 2010
RIP Nujabes.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
First They Killed My Father: Two
Friday, March 12, 2010
is it really the ipod?

I was meaning to write about this yesterday night, but I got lazy and knocked out of tiredness. I'll start out by explaining exactly what happened before, after, and during the event. This post might feel sort of all over the place, and if it does, I apologize.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
First They Killed My Father: One
Friday, March 5, 2010
sandyduong: fly high!

If you haven't known already, my favorite animal of all the animal kingdom is the bird. If I were to describe them in one word, it would be majestic. A lot of their characteristics make me like them a lot. The way they scour the world around them when they're still or just chillin' with other birds, their flawless ability to fly, and overall their faux-or-not curiosity. I guess you could say I'm jealous of them. I don't know where or how my liking for birds developed, but I can take a few guesses. It could either be back in the Philippines, where I was told my brother had a coop of pigeons he took care of. I don't remember that, but I can still consider that a possibility. Another reason could be because I had about four or five Parakeets when I was really young. I always used to just sit down in front of their cage and watch them live their poor, restricted lives. Man, I made that sound really sad but it's true. Anyways, I would always just poke a finger inside the cage and let them nibble at me. I would get sad when they stared at my finger and didn't nibble on it. At that point I would try and provoke the smallest nibble. Haha.
Friday, February 26, 2010
hey, did you do the homework?

Saturday, February 20, 2010
power of failure.

I hate spacing out when I have blog posts due. I just end up being crunched up to the deadline or a little bit after when I realize what I need to do. Anyways, beside the ramblings of being late, I've chosen to talk about failure.