Wednesday, September 14, 2011

[BC.] Essay Prompt Draft.

I grew up not being interested in anything particular. I took what was thrown at me and completed things just because it was mandatory. It wasn't until my brother told me what he wanted to be, then an idea was planted in my head. He told me that he wanted to be a pilot..At first I did not have much interest but after I thought about it for a while it started growing on me. At the time I was still in elementary school so it was still a pretty young age for me to get influenced. But after that I started to put more effort in interacting with all things related to it. I played with model planes, watched videos about new fighter pilot technology, and studied all that I could on the internet about it.

I figured it wasn't going to be easy. I couldn't just grow up and start realizing my dream. I still had to think, "What do I do to get there?" which still scared me at the time. I didn't know what to do to get to where I wanted to go. Sure I can be super passionate about it but I knew that that wouldn't be enough in itself. High school and college were far off and I stopped thinking about this dream for a while. Back then I thought it was only temporary but I knew there's always the chance to rekindle that fire.

To me, flying is the ultimate symbol of freedom. The idea of flying up high and looking down to see the world beneath my feet would deeply satisfy my desires.. Adventure is another concept I would love to touch. I've always wanted to explore. I've been to many places on my bike as well as car rides and I always enjoyed the thrill of going someplace I've never seen or been to before. You can say that I love getting lost and taking the time to figure out my surroundings to slowly learn how to get back home.

Traveling around the world was another desire that I had. I hope that being a pilot would help me realize this dream as well. I would imagine scenarios where I would fly to an exotic country and spend a week or so soaking up what the country had to offer. Places like Paris and Thailand were going to be my first destination. I don't know how likely things like this would be but I have heard that pilots get to explore and stay in the country for a while in between flights. That's one of the things that motivated me to become a pilot as well. I could travel and get paid for it.

As I grew up, I realized what I had to do to achieve my childhood dream. The thoughts were always reoccuring whenever I was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up. Events like that just reinforced the idea of becoming a pilot. There were only going to be a few cons to it. Sure I would be gone away for a long time and it'd be pretty difficult for me to settle down anywhere, but that's what I've always wanted.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm...This is certainly on-topic as far as, what are your dreams and where did they come from...but there is something about this essay about flying that isn't quite connecting for me. There's material that's good here...but some that's kind of weak. I think the second paragraph isn't helping you much for example. And the one about traveling the world makes me ask a new question..."If this is your dream, why do you need to go to college?"

    In fact, what DO you need to do to become a pilot?
