Wednesday, September 28, 2011

[RE.] Simply, music.

Why is it so influential? Have you just sat back and asked yourself is this really worth listening to? I feel as if music describes people in many ways. Believe it or not some of our actions are from the music we listen to, whether good or bad. - Justin
Ever since humans figured out how to make a rhythm and beat, music has been a major part in a lot of people's lives. The way it affects us is incredible, music could be thought-provoking, calming, energizing, and it has the power to make you feel or support emotions. Music could be one of the things you use to identify how a person behaves. I don't speak for myself when I say that you can probably look at a person and guess what kind of music they listen to.

I went through somewhat of a change when I started to acquire a different music taste. It was the beginning high school when my music taste started to drift off. In most of middle school I had a tough time finding what kind of genre I liked. So for the most part I ended up listening to rap, rock, metal, and basically all of the genres that everyone else listened to. I didn't have a certain style of music to call my favorite. But then my ears were opened to Nujabes and Emancipator. Hearing those two artists for the first time made me fall in love and gave me something to define myself as. I became exactly how the music sounded to me. Calm and chill.

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