Thursday, September 8, 2011

[FREE.] SUP again.

First things first, I think it'd be proper to do another introduction because of all the new faces this year. It's the same Sutherland giving us the same old same old, but with a set of new twists this second time around. Not only that, but it's a set of new faces that I'd love to share ideas and collaborate with.

As you might be able to tell already, I like to start off my [free] posts with a picture. The picture can either be random scenery/landscapes or something pertaining to the post ahead. At times it might even be a quote, like I once did last year. My posts can be quite random, because I never really got over the fact that my mind keeps jumping to different things and I never really have much time [or focus] to write about one thing for too long. Nevertheless I hope some of the stuff I'll write throughout the year inspire/impact/enlighten anyone who comes across it. It's a huge accomplishment for me when I know I had an influence on my colleagues.

 About myself? Well, I love to ride my bike practically everywhere. "Practically everywhere" includes San Leandro, Oakland, Bayfarm, Emeryville, and Berkeley. I could get a lot more into that but this blog will have a lot of it soon enough. I can get really passionate about anything I feel is worth putting effort into. I was really into photography at one point but a couple of setbacks put that hobby on a hiatus. I'm more of an optimist than a pessimist because life always seems to turn out better when you maintain a positive outlook on everything.

That's just a gist of what's to come. I hope this year is going to be as good as the last time and I look forward to sharing the experience with all of you!


  1. Nice beat playing in the background on ye olde blog, first of all.

    Second of all, I just did this challenge last weekend and it was fun, exhausting, educational, and made me feel like a superhero. Took me two hours to do these 25 miles. You up for it? Your bike needs some granny gears for climbin'...

  2. good 'ol writing/reading music is mandatory, haha.

    25 miles? i see 42.15 and that's insane! i'm glad you had a good experience. i plan on blogging about one of my biking experiences next week, which i think you'll find interesting.

    as for that challenge.. i think i have to pass. it's pretty far away and i'm scarred for life when it comes to downhills. i ride a fixed gear with no brakes so the danger level goes up by THAT much.

  3. a fixie. yeah, that would change matters. myself, I'm trying to get into touring/long distance/camping stuff with my two wheels. it seems like the ability to simply unplug from the world and disappear, completely on the power of heart/lungs/legs, and go sleep on a mountain for a night or two, sounds perfect to me these days.
