Wednesday, September 28, 2011

[BC.] Not A Sense

You open your eyes to find nothing. The only thing you see is black. You're paralyzed from the shock of the situation you're in. There's a vague outline of something in front of you, but you can't tell what. You struggle to make sense of what's going on but you gather enough information to make out a few things; you're inside of an old wooden casket with nothing on but your underwear and you're wet. After breaking free from your paralysis you manage to move around a bit and realize that you're floating. The casket is filled halfway with water. Your senses fail to help you figure out what kind of situation you're in. The complete darkness eliminates your sense of sight and the water nulls out most sounds. There is no smell in the casket nor is there anything to taste. The only reliable sense you have at that moment is touch, but the only thing you feel is the water against your skin. You begin to think what kind of situation you could possibly be in.

Were you dead? Did you die and get buried in some ritual? Two things are things for sure, you're not dead and you want out. In an attempt to break out of the casket, you attempt to push open the cover. As soon as your hands touch the wood you pull back. The wood was extremely rough, like it had been cut fresh. You felt the little pieces of wood sticking out from it and the roughness of the wood made you cringe in fear of having each hand full of splinters. Deciding to go for it anyway, you find a spot that isn't as rough and push with all of your might. The cover erupts from the casket and makes a big thump as it hits the floor. Your first real sense of hearing..

With a breath of relief you get up and still you see nothing but this time you can make out the outline of a room. You carefully get out of the casket and manage to stand up. The room is bitter cold and the fact that your whole body is wet doesn't make it any better. There's a draft in the room that's giving you cold kisses on your body, so you assume that somewhere in that room, there's a window. You start walking to find a wall and shiver with each and every step. It didn't help that the floor was rough concrete and each step made it feel like you were stepping on tiny spikes. Eventually you find the wall and use your hand to guide yourself around the perimeter of the room.

Suddenly the lights turn on and you immediately close your eyes in pain. The light pierced through everything in the room and almost blinded you. You open your eyes slowly to get used to the brightness of the room. "My my, I take it you didn't enjoy the experiment?" a raspy voice says. It sounded like it came from an old man. You couldn't quite tell where it came from but it sounded like it was from an omnipresent being. You look up to find a skybox for observation. The only thing you see is the silhouette of a man. You didn't know what was going on but you suddenly developed an urge. An urge to kill. Who is he? Why would he something like this to you? What is he trying to find?

"I'm going to kill you." you say under your breath.

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