Monday, September 12, 2011

[RE.] Time is slipping away...

I read a post by Alyssa sometime last week, but it didn't really hit me until now. Ms. Loy called me into her office to tell me that some of the credits I got from Spanish didn't count and I needed even more credits. So as a result I'm needing to take adult school on top of my already packed schedule. I can't really say that I'm sad since I feel like I brought this upon myself. But it's more of a disappointing kind of feeling. I'm already disappointed enough in myself to have done so badly in a.. 'critical' part of my life. Only now can I wish that I took the extra effort and initiative to finish everything early so the end wouldn't be so bad. Almost all of my friends have free periods and all I can do is sit here wishing I could be with them. My dream schedule was always a 0-4 period, I wouldn't mind waking up so early just so I get out of school at 11.

Whatever, I guess I'll treat this as a learning experience. My schedule is already going to run from 7-6:30, which is just as bad if not worse than the regular 9-5 adult workday. Instead, I'm going to have to deal with an almost 12 hour school day. This'll probably impact me the hardest because when I start working I can just look back and think 'Fuck, I used to work almost 12 hours' and find it in myself to suck it up and keep working.

It's a misfortune that senior year is going to be the most difficult, even when none of those classes are advanced. School has always been a challenge for me and I've already figured out that it really isn't my kind of thing. A lot of other people can say that but they're probably all lazy and just do things because it's mandatory. It's always been a struggle for me and senior year is going to be my ultimate test.

Note: For any underclassmen who happens to read this, DON'T FUCK UP.

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