Wednesday, September 28, 2011

[FREE.] Insane Bike Trip Finale.

Photo by Alvin Lee

The rest of this trip was a wild ride. I had adrenaline pumping through my veins as we went downhill, uphill, and downhill again in what seemed like a neverending cycle. There were a few close calls when the downhills would curve and we would go into that curve with a ton of speed. In several turns there were times where we came as close as a foot away from hitting an oncoming car. In exchange for such an adrenaline rush, we were rewarded with some of the most breathtaking scenery I've encountered in my life. There were roads and paths with tall trees evenly spaced on both sides, making it feel like you're riding directly inside of a tropical forest. And because we were so high up, when there weren't any trees all we would see is an overhead view of Oakland.

We got lost in somewhere along the road and had doubts about whether or not to keep going or turn back to try and go back from where we came. We decided against going back because of the hike we would have to endure once again so we kept going. I could feel civilization near as I saw more and more houses and at that point I was just wanted to get out. I had enough of the thrill of an adventure and just wanted to be someplace familiar.

As we approached a downhill, I saw the words 'STOP' on the road and knew that a stop sign was going to be at the end of the downhiill. I realized that I was going to fast to come to a controllable speed and began to panic a little. There were cars in front of me, so the possibility of crashing into one of them was high. Going further down the hill I realized that I was about to ride right in the middle of the intersection. I couldn't stop. I had no choice but to keep going, so I rushed right in the middle of the intersection and made a hard left into the closest street I could find. I finally got to a stop and looked up to realize where I was. Oakland Zoo! Alvin and Sandy got through the downhill safely and were waiting for me on the other side of the street.

We regrouped after from the jungle of our adventure and took familiar streets in Oakland to find our way back to Alameda. The only word I could use to describe this adventure would be insane.

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