Thursday, September 8, 2011

[RE.] Things I want to do before I die.

So it seems like this topic has been getting around. Kevin is the one who originally posted the topic but soon enough other people like JosephKristen, and myself have responded to it. The topic is pretty common, but that doesn't take away the thought provoking aspect of it. It makes an individual stop and think: "What do I want to accomplish in my life?" For some, they already have their future laid out and set in their mind and others are still trying to figure out things step by step. Some things on these lists are for pure enjoyment while the other things may still need to be asked the question, "Now how do I get there?"
First and foremost, I WILL make sure my parents live a lavish lifestyle, they have honestly worked hard to give me a good life and nothing I do can ever repay them back..... but I can try!
All of these guys have the same views with each goal, but who's to blame? The intentions are good and the dreams are within reach. Everyone [at least I hope] wants to pay back their parents because of the fact that we are a huge pain in the ass for at least 21 years. They have to manage and deal with our nagging, rebelling, sickness, welfare, and a lot more. Basically, every child wants to grow up to have the ability to give their parents the world.
 Traveling the world has always been a goal for me. I find most cultures intriguing to digest, not to mention the foods. To me culture is fascinating: the way of life of our own species somewhere else on this planet.
Traveling is also a major thing, but that's because it's so great! You're stuck in virtually the same spot for most of your life, so the thrill of experiencing something different is a great thing to crave. While you travel you get to see the beautiful geography of other continents, experience rich cultures, and overall you step out of that box you've always lived in. Personally I would love to go to Europe because the culture isn't that too far off from what I'm used to so I think it would be a good place to start. I also think the architecture of places such as Paris are beautiful. I would love to walk down those narrow streets with shops to my left and right. After that, well, only the world is left to explore.

I could honestly go on and on about the things I would experience before I die, but I feel like I should save it for later.

1 comment:

  1. Traveling is one of my absolute favorite things to do. Paris is incredible, and if you like Europe you should visit Venice as well. It's pretty much one of the most beautiful places in the world!
