Monday, September 12, 2011

[CE.] Obama urges no 'political games' on jobs plan

"This is a bill that will put people back to work all across the country. This is a bill that will help our economy in a moment of national crisis," Obama said, flanked by teachers, police officers, construction workers and small business owners he said would be helped by his plan.
He took aim at Republicans who have resisted many of his economic initiatives in the past. 
"We can't afford these same political games, not now," Obama said.

I honestly wish I could quote this whole article.

The topic of money, debt, and jobs have been ongoing for a ridiculous amount of time. How many times have we tried fixing it and where have we actually gone? I don't really keep up with politics but it seems like we're still stuck in a gridlock. Both sides of congress have different views and we're not really meeting in the middle. To both sides, it's like give us what we want or have nothing at all.

It's really frustrating because Obama has been putting a good effort into actually getting something done, but congress just keeps bickering at each other, nitpicking at the little things in every proposal and avoiding any progress that could have been made. The ultimate sufferer of this gridlock is Obama, because everyone thinks it's his fault that getting to a solid solution isn't happening. I think congress should give Obama's plan a chance and pass it anyways, since they haven't been going anywhere for what seems like quite a long time now and maybe it's just what they need.

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