Friday, September 9, 2011

[CE.] The Unsung Heroes of 9/11

There's always been talk about how many people have virtually gone unappreciated when it comes to the events that happened on 9/11. Some of the things we first think about when it comes to 9/11 are the terrorists, the victims, and how much of a tragedy it was. Seldom do we think about the people who cleaned up after that mess, saved lives, and helped to protect the people after the event. 

This news video kind of shocked me in a sense. It had some information that I was completely blind to at first, such as rescue workers actually suffering from PTSD, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. PTSD is a lot more common in soldiers who witnessed the atrocities of war, where they constantly watch their friends get shot, dead bodies scattered everywhere, and a lot more horrible things. I can only imagine what the cleanup workers had to see. A lot of people were in the World Trade Center and a handful of those people actually jumped down to their deaths. It could very well be a traumatizing experience. 

The workers had to make sacrifices and they ended up suffering psychological and physical issues alike. The man in the video ended up with asthma and he's probably not the only one. Hell, there could be other rescue workers who had it worse.

I'm honestly grateful to the sacrifices these people willingly made. Some of them can't work anymore and the government isn't even compensating them enough. Things like these are life breakers, and the government should make an extra effort to give back to those who made these sacrifices. It's a shame that these heroes are largely forgotten.

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